Servant Leadership at EUMC

And He sat down, called the twelve, and said to them, ‘If anyone desires to be first, he shall be last of all and servant of all. – Mark 9:35
The ADMINISTRATIVE BOARD is responsible for the overall administration of the church business affairs.  Committees that deal with administrative issues report to the Administrative Board (such as finances, property issues, and staff or personnel concerns).
The COUNCIL ON MINISTRIES oversees the programming areas of our church, including Sunday School, mission opportunities, children’s ministry and youth ministry.
The BUILDING COMMITTEE is responsible for discussing building needs and working with a professional consultant to see what is needed and what is feasible for us to consider.
The CHILDREN’S MINISTRY TEAM works regularly to bring vitality to our church program when it comes to our littlest disciples.  They oversee Children’s Church, Vacation Bible School, monthly special events for kids and all kinds of fun.
The EVANGELISM TEAM is responsible for keeping track of lost sheep and looking at new ways to invite people to come to our church.
The FINANCE COMMITTEE is responsible for keeping track of our ongoing financial affairs.  They look at monthly income, expenditures and giving to special causes.  This group is critical in helping us maintain a healthy financial picture and making sure we handle what God gives us in a responsible way.
The GRACE EDGETT BOARD oversees the administration of one of our major ministries, our Child Development Center. This outreach ministry allows us to have contact with children and young families of our community.
The LAY LEADERSHIP COMMITTEE is the “nominating committee” of the church and names are submitted from this committee to the floor of Charge Conference (which is the official governing body of our church).   They help everyone find a way of serving God through the ministry of EUMC.
The STAFF – PARISH COMMITTEE is the “personnel committee” or the “human resources department” our church.  They are responsible for supporting and encouraging the paid staff of the church and giving direction to the pastor and church staff on an ongoing basis.  This group makes decisions about job descriptions and salaries and makes sure we have adequate staff to meet the needs of the ministry programs of our church.
The TRUSTEES are responsible for operating and maintaining our church property, buildings and equipment, including the parsonage.
The WORSHIP COMMITTEE coordinates special events all year long through worship experiences.  They prepare for the holiest seasons of the year – specifically Lent/Easter and Christmas, but help other events as needed.
Interested in serving on one of these leadership teams? Please contact the church office to submit your name to the Lay Leadership Committee.