Women in Missions
The Women In Missions group meets on the first Thursday of each month at 11:00 AM in the church parlor. Each month they gather for prayer, learn about mission activities around the world and have a time of fellowship with each other. All women are welcome to join this group. The ladies plan events and promote organizations that help women and children’s causes.
Women in Missions provides financial support to the church, local outreach and international missions efforts to the following:
- KY Methodist Home For Children & Youth
- Henderson Settlement
- KY Methodist Mountain Mission
- NKU Vine And Branches
- Red Bird Mission
- Emmaus Gospel Event
- EUMC Good Samaritan Fund
- Grace Edgett Child Development Center
- EUMC Landscaping And Plantings
- The Love Girls – Odyssey Of The Mind Trip
- Manna Mission
- Guest Speaker Honorariums
- Garden Of Hope
- Tina Lovensheimer – Father’s Death
- Suzanna Richardson – Mother’s Funeral
- Mark Shepherd Farewell Gift
- Purchase Of Communion Bread Plate / Lid Engraved In Memory Of Mary Swanson
- Memorial For Rev. James A. Shepherd
- Ida Spence Mission
- Master Provision
- Matthew 25 Ministries
- Laws – Missionaries In The Congo
- Morrisseys – Missionaries In Thailand
- Zimmermans – Missionaries In Bolivia (New Assignment McAllen, Tx)
- Pastor Appreciation Gift
- Elizabeth Hospice
- United Christian Volunteers
In addition, Women in Missions have collected donations and items to support:
- Bake Sale Goodies for Adult Ministries / Yard & Craft Show
- Made Stuffed Bears & Pillowcase Dresses for Christmas Child Boxes
- Made Stuffed Bears for Erlanger Police & Fire Depts.
- Toiletries and Supplies for Family Promise
- Fellowship Hall Kitchen Supplies
- Meals & Refreshments for Events, Meeting & Funerals
- Toiletries and Supplies For Grace Edgett Child Development Center
- Labels for Education & Box Top’s for Education for Henderson Settlement and Red Bird Mission
- Toiletries, Hats, Gloves, Socks, Tee Shirts, Hooded Sweatshirts, Backpacks Filled with School Supplies, Easter Egg Candy, Flip-Flops, Carry-Out Bag, Laundry Detergent, Food Items and Supplies for The Take Home Meal For Ida Spence Mission
- Disaster Kits and Supplies for Sager Brown Depot
- Recycled Christmas & Greeting Cards for St. Jude Children’s Ranch
- Knee Walker, Medical Equipment for UCV To Loan Out
For more information call the church office or email at office1@erlangerumc.org.